This file will describe, in brief, the functionality of the SnglSubsetter code. The intention of this code is to create an HDF file that contains a defined set of Scientific Data Sets (SDS), whose points are a defined box around an inputted Latitude and Longitude point. The code searches through a list of HDF files and only creates a new file if the coordinates are within the desired Lat/Lon box. The list is generated by specifying one or more input directories, thus allowing one to subset a days worth or a months worth of granules. In addition, the code can handle multiple Lat/Lon points, and allows for a prefix to be attached to the new HDF file for identification purposes (ex. you can name a certain Lat/Lon point ALEXEGT for Alexandria Egypt, such that the new HDF file will be named ALEXEGTMODXY___.hdf). Additional functionality include a flag to perform, or not, the spatial subsetting and an option to include all SDSs in the new HDF file. For more detail please see the documentation text files and the summary given at the top of the SnglResSubsetter.f90 file. If your datasets have multiple resolutions (ex. 5km and 1km SDS), please contact Eric Moody ( for an appropriate code.